Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society

Gaming with Miniatures since 1968 ...


Who can join?

There are no restrictions on membership, however, under-16s must be accompanied to meetings by a parent or guardian.

What does it cost?

From April 2024 there is a revision in the so-called "Society Year". The current "Year" will run until the end of December 2024. From then onwards it will run from January to December.

The subscription for membership for the period starting 1st April 2024 to 31st December 2024 was agreed at the AGM held on the 7th April 2024. The cost of membership for the current 9 months is £40.00. The cost for 2025 will be decided at the end of 2024. Membership for Under 18's remains free.

You can pay your subscription by BACS/bank transfer, or in cash at a meeting. If you are already a member of the Society, bank details can be found in the Members' Pages area of the website. New members, please contact the secretary, whose contact details can be found here.

If you pay by bank transfer you must please advise the Secretary that you have done so.

Your first visit to a meeting is free, so you can see how we operate, after which you are encouraged to take out annual membership.

If you choose not to take an annual membership, we have a charge of £2.00 per visit for casual visitors. This sum goes in part towards our running costs, including the provision of refreshments, and into our annual Society donation to Combat Stress.

The level of the subscription is reviewed by the Committee prior to each Annual General Meeting and if any increase is recommended the approval of the membership is sought.

What do we offer?

Being a member gives you access to the Society's meetings twice per month, as well as additional events which we may organise from time to time. Members may enter our Painting Competition, for which Prizes are awarded at the end of the year.

You also gain access the Members Pages of the website where you can plan games and communicate with with other members of the Society. You can find more details below about how to sign up, and how to gain access.

How do I join?

To join the Society, it is suggested that you contact the Secretary by email in advance, so he can confirm the date and time (just in case these have changed which does happen occasionally).

Signing in to the Members' Pages

To sign in to the Members' Pages just click on the Members' Log-In tab in the Navigation Menu at the top of the screen. You must have registered and have a password to access this part of the website.

Requesting Access to the Members' Pages

In order to arrange access to the Members' Pages you should click on the 'Apply for access' link shown in the box on the left. We also have a PDF guide showing the application process which you can download from this link.

The initial page serves to confirm that you are wanting to sign up to the TWWS pages, so you should click on the 'Continue' button.

On the next page you will find details of what you are signing up to and how your personal details will be managed, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (May 2018). Fill in the boxes at the bottom of the page, and when you are ready click on the 'Register Me' button and your application will be transmitted to our Committee.

You will receive an initial confirmation email with a link which is used to check the validity of your email address. As part of that process you will get limited access to the Members' site and the screen will show your initial password (which you can change later). You will also get an email confirming this password. At this stage you only have very limited access to the site, where you can check and if necessary change your contact details and password.

You should then receive a final email confirming that your request for access has been approved.